Monday, November 24, 2008

My squirrels, they aren't so smart.....

Or why we should keep our garage door closed.....
I keep several floor mats in the garage to try to catch some of the outside dirt and debris before it reaches the house. Several times this Fall I have stepped on hard lumps under the mats and upon further inspection, this is what I found.

Not much to see...

Upon closer inspection...

there it is...
Hope they didn't store too many nuts in the garage or it will be a lean winter!


Mozi Esme said...

Those are some impressive harvest gatherings! Poor squirrels! I'm sure that spot looked snug and warm to them...

grammy said...

How funny. Maybe they are living in there?? I always worry the silly cat will get trapped in there and we will be gone for a trip or something. Yikes.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Maybe they need help cracking these and are hoping you will back over them!!!

A magical day to you!