Monday, October 27, 2008

Simple Abundance

Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach was first published in 1996. Many times I have seen the book displayed in Barnes & Noble but have resisted buying it for I don't know what reason.
I didn't need a self-help manual?
It would require from me commitment and time I didn't have?
It would be another start-but-never-finish project?
But I found a pristine hardcover copy of the book at a garage sale last week for just 25 cents. How could I not buy it now, especially in the midst of such bleak economic conditions.
And it seduced me from page one.
The author suggests that regardless of the date you start reading that you begin at the beginning, January 1st. So I did. And in doing so I am commit to taking the journey of simple abundance. This is a journey that begins with gratitude.
I can do that. I'm already a believer in giving thanks throughout the day for the blessings of each day. But I will take it a step further and write down five things for which I am grateful each and every day, trying to find the unique in each day, not always relying on the obvious.
The next steps will be more of a challenge for me: simplicity and order. Not that I have any objections to working on these aspects of my life; they just seem to be an elusive goal when the demands of life interrupt, interfere, confuse and confound me. Perhaps I am too easily distracted for there is an ebb and flow of simplicity and order in my life that frustrates me. It seems, as well, that the more I try to impose order on my life, the more rigid I become and that is not the way I want to live. I really do belive that true simplicity allows you to be flexible rather than rigid, so I will have to reconcile the two. Perhaps as I move closer to simplicity, order will follow.
I seek not so much to find contentment but to bid it stay in the face of uncertainty. I tend to be a worrier and I am working on replacing that worry with faith and trust, peace and, there it is: contentment.
So this promises to be a year long adventure. I know already of some of the challenges the coming year will bring, not the least of which are continuing health issues and the impact of the economy on our life. There will be other challenges that will ambush me, I know that too. I may be a slow learner and have to repeat some lessons. But I believe it will be worth the effort.
Have you read Simple Abundance? Have you found that state of grace? Where has your path led you?


grammy said...

I have seen it at garage sales too, but never bought it. I will next time I see it cause you have made me curious. lol

Heidi said...

I have it and I need to dig it out of the closet.